Pickle some beets and toss a portion into this and you've got yourself a meal or a side and maybe even some leftover pickled beets in the fridge.
Recipes / Peas
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches - Working with farmers means that sometimes I'm getting updates on availabilities at 5am or 10pm. At 10pm on Sunday I was notified there was one last set of peach trees left to be picked and I said I would take majority of them for you all (and did a happy dance at one more chance at peaches!!!) So, eat them straight up, enjoy them in a or make some peach butter!
- Okay, sometimes I pair two items and just see what Google brings up. This one is a little out there, but I'm into it!
See also:
- Tips and tricks for storing your food and getting the most from your shares
- Got a great recipe to share? Spread the love and send it to recipes@sharefamilydinner.com