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This Week's Food

Tomatoes... A bit of summer during the dark months.

Tomatoes... A bit of summer during the dark months.

Hello Friends,
I am penning this message from sweltering Oaxaca, Mexico where we have taken a few days to eat, drink and remind ourselves that we are more than rapid email writing Muppets with a caffeine addiction.
The food is simple and radiant, making me crave the bounty of summer, though it's still a long way out. 

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Previously on This Week's Food:

Love is in the air...

Love is in the air...

Good Morning,
You know it's almost Valentine's Day when your television and social media channels are a constant barrage of outdated, gender normative jewelry commercials. You know the ones; where women are reduced to Pac Man like figures hungry to chomp up diamonds at any cost because THAT'S how you show her you love her. Gross. 
You won't find any of those vomit inducing, reductive tropes here my friends! Not today!

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Local Food by True Believers

Local Food by True Believers

Good Morning,
Erin is out to day so I (Joe) am jumping in. Sorry in advance.
This past Tuesday, after packing shares, Erin and I got to wander and eat our way through Sustainable Business Network's Local Food Show at Russell's Garden Center in Wayland.

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Snack more, waste less.

Snack more, waste less.

Good morning,
First off, please please please return your bags. We love them and miss them! We don't want to be wasteful and just buy more so we appreciate you sending them back our way. I hope this simple email plea is compelling and I don't have to resort to improv song and dance. "Baby Got Bag" by Sir Mix-a Lot maybe?
Second, this week has been about 4,376 days long and we are all some kind of tired. I feel you and I'm with you. 

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The forbidden (frozen) fruit

The forbidden (frozen) fruit

Good Morning friends!

I know that seeing blackberries at the top of the Family Dinner newsletter in the dead of winter must be a little jarring. A bit like seeing a hippo on a Vespa in the bike lane; strange and unexpected but somehow exciting.
We all love fresh fruits and veggies* but for reasons that should be obvious, some of these items are hard to procure in New England in winter. (It's 'cause the ground is colder than our dead, black hearts y'all.)
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The dish of the year goes to....

The dish of the year goes to....

Good Morning Friends,
There are plenty of year in reviews out there; chronicling 2024's most compelling photographs, jaw-dropping feats of athleticism or most sequiney leotard worn by Taylor Swift.
Unequipped to speak to any of that, I'll just shine the spotlight on my number one dish of the year; the ever humble but intensely rewarding lentil soup.
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It's blueberry season!

It's blueberry season!

Good Morning Friends,
First up, a bit of logistics.
We love bringing you local, seasonal, tasty goodies but it's much harder and more dangerous for your delivery person on un-shoveled sidewalks, iced over steps, and pathways that are generally pretty dang harrowing. Please keep these sections clear. Thanks for helping to keep everyone safe.
Now, onto the show!
This week we have frozen Maine blueberries from Burke Hill in beautiful Cherryfield, Maine. We love getting them into shares this time of year because they are sharp and stunning, their bold color bursting onto an otherwise monochromatic landscape.
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Merry, merry. Happy, happy.

Merry, merry. Happy, happy.

Good Morning Friends,
Just a few more nights before you kids go positively bonkers and your tummies ache with the weight off too many logs and nogs of various provenance. 
A couple quick things from us: 
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Playing favorites

Playing favorites

Good Morning Friends,
First; a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to Rosie's Place. Today my partner in crime, Tara, is delivering a huge haul of goods to that incredible organization. Thank you to everyone who gave!
Second, it is almost Christmas and Hanukkah and boy do we have some delicious things for you. As always, we have  Latkes and Kugel from Mamaleh's, bake at home cinnamon rolls from Forge, cheesy scalloped potatoes and pierogi for your snacking pleasure. 
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Supper Time

Supper Time

Good Morning Friends,
We are participating in yearly collection for the brave women of Rosie's place, the first women's only shelter in Boston.
We will be collecting hygiene products for the holidays for the many women of the shelter; body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, haircare, face wash, tampons and more. (Unopened, please!) And we would LOVE your help.
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Making the world a Rosier place.

Making the world a Rosier place.

Good Morning Friends,

We find ourselves still a bit restless and full of static, looking for somewhere to put all this energy. We've been clumsily seeking a way to do some good, to feel like change is still possible.

Inspiration came, as it so often does, through an old friend. My friend Tara, a small business owner (clean beauty studio Tada) and undeniable force of nature, does a yearly collection for the brave women of Rosie's place, the first women's only shelter in Boston. Rosie's place opened its doors 50 years ago. It strives to help 12,000 women a year with job search, meals, shelter, and both physical and mental support. Tara has been working to support them for years.
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Leeks are in the hot seat...

Leeks are in the hot seat...

You guys, before we get into this week's veggie spot light - just want to share two things:
1. And this is VERY important. I don't know if you all have been following Moo Deng, the pygmy hippo from Thailand. And if you haven't been all over this because - maybe you have a job, or friends or hobbies that matter to you - she is an internet sensation with her own IG account, make up line and just dropped her first single. (Please do NOT listen to that song if you have recently been diagnosed with a seizure disorder.)
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Breathe in...

Breathe in...

I'll keep this brief (unlikely). There are a lot of folks out there, maybe you're one, who are desperately tired, sad and overwhelmed in this moment. At Family Dinner we have a company full of bright, loving wonderful people who are reasonably frightened and bubbling with worry. Queer and trans folks, women, folks of color and people who generally give a damn about the fate of the world. Again, maybe that sleepy worried soul is you.
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