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This Week's Food

Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer

Happy Friday Everyone-
The dog days of summer are upon us!
I only recently got curious enough about the etymology of that term to actually look it up and I kinda fell in love with the backstory.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Sirius, The Dog Star, starts to rise in our skies along with the temperature. It burns bright. So bright, in fact, you can often see it during the day, rising and setting alongside the sun. When the term was coined in the 16th century, it was a direct translation of the latin term that the Romans were using when Sirius, which, speaking of hot dogs, literally means "scorching", was believed to have been the source of all that additional heat. Now and forever, whenever I spot Sirius in the day time sky, I'll think of it as the sun's loyal good boy. And crave a hot dog... more than usual. (Thanks, Dictionary.com!)
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Getting Salty

Getting Salty

I find myself craving good news. Lighthearted, feel good news to serve as a chaser for the bitter tastes in the diet of the content we consume. I'm like one of those drug sniffing dogs at the airport, plodding from bag to bag for a whiff of contraband, but instead of heroin, your girl just wants to read stories about bears cooling off in swimming pools.
During the pandemic, John Krasinski (that cutie patootie from The Office) started a show from his home called Some Good News. Man, was it a delight, and so desperately needed. In one episode, they surprise a 9 year old girl named Aubrey with the whole cast of Hamilton (her absolute fave) on a Zoom call and she goes completely bananas. I've watched it like 324 times.
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A family symphony

A family symphony

We got to spend a few days this week with cherished family members, tucked into an idyllic pocket of Maine, snuggling the ocean on a craggy shore.
There wasn't anything of note on the agenda and we contented ourselves playing with babies, chasing old dogs and doing the delicate, intentional work of weaving familial bonds just a bit tighter.
We don't all get to see each other en masse frequently so there was an effervescence in the air as we arrived, even Frank the Dog knew something special was afoot.
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A different kind of pancake

A different kind of pancake

I just love summer. It's that time of year where all the veggies are beautiful and abundant and you can make little Muppet noises while cooking with them.
What's that? You don't take the goofy looking scapes and the fennel fronds and talk to them in the Swedish Chef voice until such a point that your friends and loved ones start to fret about your mental health and well-being?
Oh. Well then.
This week we have a beautiful and perfectly Muppet-able veggie on offer. The scallions from Kitchen Garden Farm are tall, spikey and packed with a delicious oniony punch. 
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New grains on the block!

This week we have a new product for our vegetarian shares, bulgar from the folks at Koy Pantry.
The little AI birds whispered this little nugget about bulgar in my ears just now:Bulgur is a whole grain made from cracked wheat berries. It's an ancient grain that was popular in the Mediterranean region and is mentioned in the Old Testament. Bulgur is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and it can be eaten plain like rice or couscous, or used in many dishes.
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Calling all bags!

Calling all bags!

Good morning friends!

A few quick things!
1- Please leave your bags out for the drivers to take!  We clean and sanitize them weekly and reuse them - helps us to be a low waste company. And good golly are they expensive! So whether you have 2 or 274, please leave them out (ice packs too!) and we will lovingly take 'em back.
2- Flower season is back! Get your flowers of the week to brighten up your day and bring a smile to that beautiful face of yours.
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Father's Day Store is Live!

Father's Day Store is Live!

Hi Friends-
It's that time of year. For a brief period, the windows are open. The warm days that hint at the balminess to come are tempered as the sun crawls west each evening. We've once again become experts at layering.
It's weather that just begs for celebrations. Of the changing season, sure, but also of all the dads out there, of all the folks graduating and moving on to the next chapter of their lives. And heck, there's never a bad time to celebrate yourself. (It's true... you're lovely.)
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Going, going, gone!

Going, going, gone!

You may have heard us talk about the incredible work of Community Cooks - a Somerville based organization that is dedicated to feeding vulnerable populations and our neighbors in need. (It seems we can't shut up about it!)
They do this work from the belief that good, healthy food is a right and that it helps a person thrive in our communities. As a non-profit they have to fundraise tirelessly 
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A treat for my sweet

A treat for my sweet

We spent the past week in France (see pornographic food image above as proof) doing all the things France calls you to do; a lazy oscillation between eating and drinking - drinking and eating. Beyond that, there was little on the agenda except long bouts of aimless walking and hours spent watching the world float by with a glass of Sancerre in hand
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Feeding our neighbors

Feeding our neighbors

See what I did there folks?
Got all mushy right out of the gates. "Feeding our neighbors and filling our hearts?"
Normally you have to skip at least a paragraph to get to that nugget of sentimental gold.
One of our favorite non-profits, Community Cooks, is having their largest fundraiser of the year, Gone with the Gala and we would love your help.
For over 30 years Community Cooks has been providing homemade meals to our neighbors in need. Since they started they have provided hundreds of thousands of meals to vulnerable populations - it's incredible work. 
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Your new favorite playlist

Your new favorite playlist


Looking for some fun this weekend?
Check out the heifer parade at Brookford Farm. Saturday May 11th - catch up with nature, show up for local agriculture, and relish the spectacle with family and friends!
And Sunday head on over to Clark Farm for Open Farm day from 10-12pm. Baby animals! Meet your farmers! Yummy local produce and goodies!
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Momma's Day

Momma's Day

Good Morning!
We have a Mother's Day pop up live in the store for you. Fresh pasta and sauces from Fox & the Knife, cheese boxes from Local Goods Gathered, cookies from Botanical Bakes (more on those magicians below) and more. 
While we can't get all the moms out there what they actually want for Mother's Day (social justice, a glass of wine and some time alone, for once!) we can make sure that everyone is well fed. 
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Take a Left...

Take a Left...

Hello friends,

It's going to be an amazing packing day tomorrow. The ladies at Jaju Pierogi will be lending a hand packing coolers, dancing to Cowboy Carter and likely creating some absurd content for social.

Jaju was started by two sisters Vanessa and Casey using their Jaju's (Dziadziu's - that's grandpa for anyone not lucky enough to be Polish) recipes. We have been buying and gobbling up their pierogi since the beginning of Family Dinner and we are so excited to see them absolutely crushing it and going nationwide with their goods!
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