Orders placed today will be delivered on Saturday 3/8 and Tuesday 3/11. FREE DELIVERY inside I-95 on orders over $39.
First Fiesta, then Siesta.

First Fiesta, then Siesta.


It's a big weekend, folks!
It's the Kentucky Derby, Cinco de Mayo and, most importantly (!), we are celebrating our 100th order with Tad from Featherbrook Farms - Break out the Chips and Dip! 

You've probably seen photos of Tad before, a lovable guy with a big smile and an appreciation for overalls. 
Tad has been with us since the beginning, since even before the beginning. Teaching us, encouraging us and supporting us as we explore the wonderland of local food.  He sent this week's invoice with a note: " Yayyyyy! Order number 100. Who would have thought!!!"

We couldn't do any of this without the incredible network of farmers that makes up Family Dinner. Tad, Fran and Brenda from Busa Farms in Lexington, Luke and his family at Brookford Farm, Andrew at Clark, Andre at Heron Pond- and the many, many makers, bakers, and purveyors whose goods fill your bags every week . We are so grateful for the amazing, and delicious, work they do. Here's to 100 more orders, Tad.


Oh yeah! We also have Tortilla Chips from Mi Nina this week. Perfect for watching the latest episode of GoT on repeat.

Have a great weekend!


Holler to the vegetarians!
This week we have tamales again from Tex Mex Eats. We were talking with Amanda this morning about her tamales and how to prep. She said: "Put them in a bit of boiling water and cover. Let them steam for about 25 -30 minutes" And don't eat the husk people! It's just the suitcase that carries all that deliciousness.


Omnivore Protein
 - Pollock from Red's Best; Cheese from Bell & Goose
Pescatarian Protein - Pollock from Red's Best; Cheese from Bell & Goose
Vegetarians-   Tamales from Tex Mex Eats; Cheese from Bell & Goose
Paleo Proteins - Pollock from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Spinach, Asparagus and Onions from Busa Farm; Baby Lettuce from Brookford Farm
Grain - Organic Corn Tortillas from Mi Tierra
Special Treat - Tortilla Chips from Mi Nina


Omnivore Protein
 - Pollock from Red's Best; Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms;  Cheese from Bell & Goose; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Pollock and Scallops from Red's Best; Cheese from Bell & Goose; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm
Paleo Proteins -  Pollock from Red's Best; Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm
Vegetarian Protein -Tamales from Tex Mex Eats; Tempeh; Cheese from Bell & Goose; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Daikon Radish, Rainbow Carrots, Spinach, Asparagus and Onions from Busa Farm; Baby Lettuce from Brookford Farm
Grain - Organic Corn Tortillas from Mi Tierra
Special Treat - Tortilla Chips from Mi Nina


Omnivore Protein 
- Pollock and Scallops from Red's Best; Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms;  Cheese from Bell & Goose; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm; Almond Milk from Nectar and Green
Pescatarian Protein - Pollock, Fluke and Scallops from Red's Best; Cheese from Bell & Goose; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms, Clark Farm and Brookford Farm; Almond Milk from Nectar and Green
Fruits and Veggies - Daikon Radish, Rainbow Carrots, Spinach, Asparagus and Onions from Busa Farm; Baby Lettuce from Brookford Farm; Sweet Potatoes from Brookford Farm
Grain - Organic Corn Tortillas from Mi Tierra; Granola from Forge Baking Co
Special Treat - Tortilla Chips from Mi Nina; Cookies from Lark 


Seven ideas for Daikon Radish: Daikons are a mild tasting radish that are often served raw or pickled. This quick list gives a few other ideas, like daikon mash or daikon chips. They also can be roasted and brushed with oil and soy sauce. As an unrepentant salt addict, I enjoy the latter- with extra soy sauce.

Fish Tacos Two Ways:  Rifling through these recipes to find the right one, given our role as a local food company, wasn't easy. They all contain A LOT of ingredients you will never seem from us. Tragic as it is avocados, pineapples and mangoes don't really grow here. I'll focus instead on the treatment of the fish:

Broiled Fish Tacos: Martha has an eye on our waistlines

Panko Fried Fish Tacos: I can never say no to a fried fish taco. It hurts too much.

Roasted Veggie Tacos: Or you can skip the fish all together for a vegetarian friendly variety ( or dig some chorizo out of your freezer and really turn up the fiesta)

Yogurt Dips:  There are 1,000 things that you can do with those chips, including just snacking on them as is. Staring at an untouched yogurt in my fridge I started to wonder about yogurt dips- here's a few to give a whirl.