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All Along the Squash Tower....

All Along the Squash Tower....

This week in shares we have Zucchini and Squash, those summer starlettes. God forbid we let this moment pass without a quick history lesson and some fun/mostly useless facts about our favorite summer veggie (spoiler alert - actually a fruit).

According to the Library of Congress, the name "squash" comes from the Narragansett Native American word askutasquash, which means “eaten raw or uncooked.” This is marvelous news from the LoC because my favorite way to eat these delights is raw, with a touch of good olive oil and a sturdy blanket of Parmesan cheese.

They add: “Summer squash” is typically used to describe a yellow squash available during the summer months. Zucchini is a green type of summer squash--the most popular, in fact. It was created by natural mutation.

Squash are an OG on the veggie block according to the National Museum of American History:

"Squash have a long relationship with human civilization, with seeds dating back 12,000 years ago found in Ecuadorian caves. In the Americas, squash was one of three primary crops, the other two being maize and beans. Known as the "Three Sisters" by the Iroquois, these crops worked symbiotically. The corn provided a growing structure for the climbing beans and the bean vines better rooted the corn to ground so the stalks were not as easily blown over or washed out."

And the USDA wants you to know these fun little tidbits about squash:

  • Squash is actually a fruit, since it flowers and contains seeds. 
  • Squash is a part of the Cucurbitaceae family along with melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, and gourds.
  • The smaller the squash is in size, the more flavorful it will be.  
  • A zucchini can grow 1 inch per day.

Other fun fact, I thought my subject line of this email "All Along the Squash Tower" was hysterical. Tim fervently disagrees. Please weigh in with your thoughts, along with anything else you would like to share with us at hello@sharefamilydinner.com.  We love hearing from you.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Delivery dates: Saturday, 7/30 and Tuesday, 8/2

Note: If you order a "Meat and Fish Share" you will receive just the meats listed, not the "dairy" items (i.e., eggs, yogurt, etc). If you order a "Fish and Seafood Share" you will receive the fish listed, not the dairy items.

Add-on Bread of the Week - Ciabatta from Iggy's
Add-on Cheese of the Week - East Meadow from Plymouth Artisan Cheeses 
Add-on Fresh Pasta of the Week - Girelle from Valicenti
Add-on Gluten Free Grain of the Week - Bagels from Something Sweet Without Wheat 
Add-on Grain of the Week - Bagels from Iggy's
Add-on Mezze of the Week - Skordalia from Littleburg
Add-on Pastry of the Week - Sticky Buns from Iggy's
Add-on Vegetarian Salad of the Week - Chickpea Salad from Forge
Add-on Fruit Share Fruits of the Week - Blackberries from Nourse Farms and Nectarines from Autumn Hills Orchard


Omnivore Protein - Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Cheddar from Pineland
Pescatarian Protein - Hake** from True Fin; Cheddar from Pineland
Vegetarian Proteins - Black Bean and Corn Salad from Forge; Cheddar from Pineland
Paleo Proteins - Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Corn from Moose Hill Farm and Warner Farm; Zucchini from Clark Farm; Long Red Onions from Brookford; Peppers from Kitchen Garden Farm and Moose Hill Farm
Grain - Popcorn from Popzup
Special Treat - Brownie Bites from Forge



Omnivore Protein - Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Hake from True Fin**; Cheddar from Pineland; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms 
Pescatarian Protein - Hake** from True Fin; Mackerel from Red's; Cheddar from Pineland; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Vegetarian Proteins - Black Bean and Corn Salad from Forge; Seitan from Littleburg; Cheddar from Pineland; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Paleo Proteins - Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Hake from True Fin**;  Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Corn from Moose Hill Farm and Warner Farm; Zucchini from Clark Farm; Long Red Onions from Brookford; Peppers from Kitchen Garden Farm and Moose Hill Farm; Cucumbers from Langwater; Plums from Autumn Hills Orchard and Kimball Fruit Farm
Grain - Popcorn from Popzup
Special Treat - Brownie Bites and Rhubarb Squares from Forge



Omnivore Protein - Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Hake from True Fin**; Steak from Brookford Farm; Cheddar from Pineland; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Ferments from FinAllie 
Pescatarian Protein - Hake** from True Fin; Mackerel and Sea Bass from Red's; Cheddar from Pineland; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Ferments from FinAllie  
Vegetarian Proteins - Black Bean and Corn Salad from Forge; Seitan from Littleburg; Veggie Burgers; Cheddar from Pineland; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Ferments from FinAllie 
Paleo Proteins - Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Hake from True Fin**; Steak from Brookford Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Corn from Moose Hill Farm and Warner Farm; Zucchini from Clark Farm; Long Red Onions from Brookford; Peppers from Kitchen Garden Farm and Moose Hill Farm; Cucumbers from Langwater; Plums from Autumn Hills Orchard and Kimball Fruit Farm; Eggplant and Blueberries from Kimball Fruit Farm
Grain - Popcorn from Popzup; Pizza Shells from Iggy's
Special Treat - Brownie Bites and Rhubarb Squares from Forge


**The True Fin Hake is Super frozen to -60ºC which means zero ice crystals rupturing cell structure while defrosting which means zero difference from fresh and zero issues searing.


(from Shannon)

Stuffed Peppers - When I first got word of peppers for this week, I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd want to stuff them with. 

Hake with Zucchini - A nice, light, and easy dinner for the summer heat.

Cucumber Salad - One of my favorite summer dishes! 

Plum BBQ Sauce - If you hold off on scarfing them down immediately, I would highly recommend a plum bbq sauce. 

Grilled Sea Bass and Marinated Eggplant - Under an hour (without marinating time) to a gorgeous dinner. 

Pickled Onion - Quick pickle your onions or cukes for a delightful addition to any meal! 

Zucchini Pizza - Top your pizza with Zucchini! 

Grilled Mackerel - On the Holy Gr(a)ill! 

Tips and Tricks for storing your food and getting the most from your shares can be found here


Delivery date: Saturday, 7/30

Note: If you order a "Meat and Fish Share" you will receive just the meats listed, not the "dairy" items (i.e., eggs, yogurt, etc). If you order a "Fish and Seafood Share" you will receive the fish listed, not the dairy items.

Add-on Bread of the Week - Sourdough Boule from Rosemont Market & Bakery
Add-on Cheese of the Week - Cheese from Seal Cove Farm
Add-on Fresh Pasta of the Week - Linguine from Terra Cotta Pasta Co.
Add-on Fruits of the Week - Nectarines from Autumn Hills Orchard, Blackberries from Nourse Farm
Add-on Gluten Free Grain of the Week - Bagels from Something Sweet Without Wheat
Add-on Grain of the Week - Granola from Two Fat Cats Bakery
Add-on Mezze of the Week - Cheddar Scallion Dip from Rosemont Market & Bakery
Add-on Pastry of the Week - Blueberry Fruit Pocket Pies from Two Fat Cats Bakery
Add-on Sausage of the Week - Fresh Kielbasa from Colvard & Co.
Add-on Treat of the Week - Brownies from Two Fat Cats Bakery
Add-on Vegetarian Salad of the Week - Chickpea Salad from Forge Baking Co.


Omnivore Proteins & Dairy - Pork Chops from Broad Arrow; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm
Pescatarian Proteins & Dairy - Cusk from True Fin*; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm
Paleo Proteins & Dairy - Pork Chops from Broad Arrow; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Vegetarian Proteins & Dairy - Roasted Mushroom Jiaozi from Little Brother Chinese Food; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Blueberries from Blue Barrens Farm; Heirloom & Heritage Tomatoes from Goranson; Fennel from Harvest Tide Organics; Mini Heads of Romaine from South Paw Farm; Scallions from Dandelion Spring (Paleo Shares only); Patty Pan Squash from South Paw Farm (Paleo Shares only)
Grains - Old Salt Crackers from Mill Cove Baking Co.
Special Treats - Brownies from Two Fat Cats Bakery


Omnivore Proteins & Dairy - Pork Chops from Broad Arrow; Cusk from True Fin*; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Pescatarian Proteins & Dairy - Cusk from True Fin*; Butterflied Whole Trout from Harbor Fish; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Paleo Proteins & Dairy - Pork Chops from Broad Arrow; Cusk from True Fin*; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Vegetarian Proteins & Dairy - Roasted Mushroom Jiaozi from Little Brother Chinese Food; Veggie Chili from Rosemont Market & Bakery; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Blueberries from Blue Barrens Farm; Heirloom & Heritage Tomatoes from Goranson; Fennel from Harvest Tide Organics; Mini Heads of Romaine from South Paw Farm; Scallions from Dandelion Spring; Patty Pan Squash from South Paw Farm; Bunched Onions from Langwater Farm (Paleo Shares only); Zucchini from Dandelion Spring (Paleo Shares only)
Grains - Old Salt Crackers from Mill Cove Baking Co.
Special Treats - Brownies from Two Fat Cats Bakery; Double Chocolate Chip Cookies from Rosemont Market & Bakery



Omnivore Proteins & Dairy - Pork Chops from Broad Arrow; Cusk from True Fin*; Ground Chicken from Tide Mill Organic Farm; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Hummus from Rosemont Market & Bakery
Pescatarian Proteins & Dairy - Cusk from True Fin*; Butterflied Whole Trout from Harbor Fish; Monkfish from True Fin*; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Hummus from Rosemont Market & Bakery
Paleo Proteins & Dairy - Pork Chops from Broad Arrow; Cusk from True Fin*; Ground Chicken from Tide Mill Organic Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Vegetarian Proteins & Dairy - Roasted Mushroom Jiaozi from Little Brother Chinese Food; Veggie Chili from Rosemont Market & Bakery; Mushrooms from Fruit of the Forest; Garlic & Pepper Chèvre from Seal Cove Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Hummus from Rosemont Market & Bakery
Fruits and Veggies - Blueberries from Blue Barrens Farm; Heirloom & Heritage Tomatoes from Goranson; Fennel from Harvest Tide Organics; Mini Heads of Romaine from South Paw Farm; Scallions from Dandelion Spring; Patty Pan Squash from South Paw Farm; Bunched Onions from Langwater Farm; Zucchini from Dandelion Spring
Grains - Old Salt Crackers from Mill Cove Baking Co.; Sourdough Boule from Rosemont Market & Bakery
Special Treats - Brownies from Two Fat Cats Bakery; Double Chocolate Chip Cookies from Rosemont Market & Bakery

*Super frozen to -60ºC which means zero ice crystals rupturing cell structure while defrosting which means zero difference from fresh and zero issues searing.



(from Joe)

Perfect Grilled Pork Chops - Grilling pork chops ain't easy but this method is unfussy and the results are 👌. Key takeaways: dry brine (i.e., seasoning with salt and letting it sit in your fridge for a spell on a wire rack, uncovered) helps with browning and is less work than making and then cooling a wet brine; cook slow over indirect heat and pull at 135º which, after its 10 min. rest, will put these pups just past medium rareness.

Sheet-Pan Pork Chops with Caramelized Fennel & Garlic-Lemon Butter - This also sounds pretty amazing and takes the cooking indoors. Pork and fennel are quite a team.

Rosemary Lime Grilled Cusk Fillets - Love this simple recipe from our buds over at Harbor Fish. Could also sub with any recipe using cod or other firm white fish.

Tomato and Goat Cheese Toast - Our first tomatoes of the season! Excellent lunch, app, or side dish fodder.

Blueberry Salad with Chèvre and Lemon Vinaigrette - Flavorful and easy. And SAA: lunch, app, or side dish material, right here.


Tips and Tricks for storing your food and getting the most from your shares can be found here.