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The Great Garlic Scape

The Great Garlic Scape


Good Morning!

A few notes:

Skipping: As summer ramps up please, please remember to skip any orders before they process on Monday. This saves us a huge amount of time, resources, and effort. You can skip online, or email us and we will do it for you! Thank you!!!

Chelsea Collaborative: A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated. Over the past week we delivered 5 packed car/truck loads of canned goods, grains, diapers/wipes and produce to the Chelsea Collaborative.  The staff was incredibly grateful and we are awed by the response and generosity of the Family Dinner community. 

With Love and Gratitude,

Erin, Tim, and the Family Dinner Fam



So, we're not supposed to have favorite members at Family Dinner. We're supposed to love and appreciate you all the same. That said, my absolute favorite member is Janet. Janet is 99 years young and a retired social worker. She lives independently and is an absolute force to be reckoned with. She can just as easily chat about housing programs in New York City and the corporate responsibility of banks, as she can food and the veggies she loves to cook from Family Dinner. 

This week she recalled a vegetable that showed up in her share: "all spindly and curly, it looked like abstract art!"

Janet is, of course, regaling the beauty of the garlic scapes. These are making their way into the whole and double shares this week! Scapes are the stalks that shoot from the bulbs of hard neck garlic plants.  The taste is a bit milder and almost sweeter than the garlic bulb itself but still irrefutably garlicky. We have a few recipes ideas below but Janet suggests "just chop them up and sauté them in a little bit of butter! I keep them in the fridge and throw them on everything!"

In other news, Janet is a huge fan of the chocolate chip cookies and we are a huge fan of Janet!


Note: If you order a "Meat and Fish Only - Omnivore Share" - you will just receive the meats listed, not the "dairy " items (eggs, yogurt etc). If you order a "Fish and Seafood Only" Share you will receive the fish listed, and not the dairy items


Omnivore Protein - Haddock from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Pescatarian Protein - Haddock from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Vegetarian Proteins - Vegan Meats from Basil and Bunny; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Paleo Proteins - Haddock from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Bok Choy from Langwater Farm and Marshview Farm; Bunched Beets (eat the greens! ) from Riverland Farm; Kale from Queen's Greens; Berries from Kimball Fruit Farm
Grain - Fresh Pasta from Law of Pasta
Special Treat -  Cookies from Forge Baking Co


Omnivore Protein - Haddock from Red's Best; Chicken and Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Kimchi Cucumbers from Perillas
Pescatarian Protein - Haddock and Yellow Fin Tuna from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Kimchi Cucumbers from Perillas
Vegetarian Proteins - Vegan Meats from Basil and Bunny; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Kimchi Cucumbers from Perillas; Black Bean Burgers from Farm House
Paleo Proteins - Haddock from Red's Best; Chicken and Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Bok Choy from Langwater Farm and Marshview Farm; Bunched Beets (eat the greens! ) from Riverland Farm; Kale from Queen's Greens; Berries from Kimball Fruit Farm; Greens from Generation Farm and Brookford Farm; Scapes from Clark Farm and Shady Corner Farm
Grain - Fresh Pasta from Law of Pasta
Special Treat - Cookies from Forge Baking Co; Chocolate from Taza


Omnivore Protein - Haddock from Red's Best; Chicken and Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Kimchi Cucumbers from Perillas; Andouille Sausage; Veggie Broth from 5 Way Foods
Pescatarian Protein - Haddock; Skate Wing and Yellow Fin Tuna from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Kimchi Cucumbers from Perillas; Veggie Broth from 5 Way Foods
Fruits and Veggies - Bok Choy from Langwater Farm and Marshview Farm; Bunched Beets (eat the greens! ) from Riverland Farm; Kale from Queen's Greens; Berries from Kimball Fruit Farm; Greens from Generation Farm and Brookford Farm; Scapes from Clark Farm and Shady Corner Farm
Grain - Fresh Pasta from Law of Pasta; Multi Grain Bread from Iggy's
Special Treat - Cookies from Forge Baking Co; Chocolate from Taza


What to do with Garlic Scapes: Frittata? Yes. Chopped in Fried Rice? Please.

Baked Fish and Greens: A healthier approach to your haddock, and easy clean up. 

Haddock with Ritz: I, however, will be bathing in this butter bomb.