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A Confession...

A Confession...

A Confession...

As professional business people, we are supposed to respect and care for all of our customers in the same manner. We are expected, as professionals, to appreciate you all equally - one certainly must not have any favorites.

That said:

1 - I just made a salad with delicious Featherbrook Farms chicken, greens from LEF and tomatoes from Kimball Fruit Farm and then emptied half a bag of chips into it for a "crunch element". I'm not sure we're actually "professionals". More like entrepreneurial teenage boys.

2 - Janet Brown, pictured above, is 100% our favorite customer and I refuse to apologize about it. She also turns 100 years old today and we are dedicating this little newsletter as a birthday card to her.

Janet lives a few towns over from us and her daughter signed her up for Family Dinner in the early Spring as the news of the pandemic was swelling. Janet lives independently and cooks constantly. Her daughter was looking for a safe way for Mom to keep getting groceries, we were happy to oblige.

As we were all forced farther into our homes and away from the things we loved to do, I wrote to Janet's daughter and asked if Mom might like some company, and if I could meet her. (I was really asking for myself, desperate for some company as I was.)

I went over for coffee and snacks one Wednesday (masks and distancing and all the logical precautions, of course) and it was pure joy. Listening to Janet tell stories about her life with such acuity, enthusiasm and humor feels like having a delightfully penned short story read to you live by the author themselves.

Janet is an absolute force of nature.

She was born in Brooklyn and after college (and grad school!) began a long and storied career of helping folks and giving back to the world. She worked for Travels Aid Family Services, the Children's Aid society of NYC and as the Director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension (she's rarely without her Cornell hat, Go Big Red!). She consulted with large banks to help them comply with community reinvestment compliance. She had 4 kids and cared for older relatives. She did all of these incredible things at a time where powerful women in the workplace was a concept that hadn't been born yet.

I went one Wednesday, and then the next, and the next. We sit, eat fruit of out little cups and spin tales about life. She tells me stories about our town, about life and getting married during WWII. She shares articles that she's read in the Smithsonian Magazine about things she think would interest me. She's curious about Family Dinner and asks astute and thought provoking questions such as:

1 - Have you planned out the new kitchen space and designed the packing paths to decrease steps between tasks and increase efficiency? (We have.)

2 - Would you ever consider doing a Senior Bag? Not too heavy, not too many of any one thing, no loaves of bread the size of a phone book. (We have not, but we should.)

3 - Do we have a full report on how many farms we support? How much we get from them? How many women-owned businesses we support? (Hey Shannon, can we steal this idea?)

4 - When we move to the new space in Woburn, can we have a virtual "Woburn Warming"? (Yes.)

In short, Janet is an absolute ray of sunshine. Becoming her friend might just be the highlight of my year. If you can, take a moment in your mind to wish her a Happy Birthday.

(And if you still have beef with us picking favorites, we can fight about that later.)

Have a wonderful day folks, and Happy Birthday to an absolute legend.


Note: If you order a "Meat and Fish Share" you will just receive the meats listed, not the "dairy" items (eggs, yogurt etc). If you order a "Fish and Seafood Share" you will receive the fish listed, and not the dairy items

Add-on Grain of the Week - Bagels from A&J King


Omnivore Protein - Ground Beef and Eggs from Feather Brook Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Bonito from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farm
Vegetarian Proteins - Pierogi from Jaju; Eggs from Feather Brook Farm
Paleo Proteins - Ground Beef and Eggs from Feather Brook Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Potatoes from Brookford Farm; Delicata Squash from Langwater Farm; Greens Mix from Generation Farm or LEF; Mustard Greens from Clark Farm
Grain - Raisin Bread from A&J King
Special Treat - Maple Shortbread Cookies from A&J King


Omnivore Protein - Ground Beef and Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Bonito from Red's Best; Half and Half from High Lawn Farms
Pescatarian Protein - Bonito and Haddock from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Half and Half from High Lawn Farms
Vegetarian Proteins - Pierogi from Jaju; Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Tofu from 21st Century Foods; Half and Half from High Lawn Farms
Paleo Proteins - Ground Beef and Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Bonito from Red's Best
Fruits and Veggies - Potatoes from Brookford Farm; Delicata Squash from Langwater Farm; Greens Mix from Generation Farm or LEF; Mustard Greens from Clark Farm; Apples from Kimball; Leeks from Brookford Farm
Grain - Raisin Bread from A&J King
Special Treat - Maple Shortbread Cookies from A&J King; Pain au Chocolat from A&J King


Omnivore Protein - Ground Beef, Chicken and Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Bonito from Red's Best; Butter and Half and Half from High Lawn Farms
Pescatarian Protein - Bonito, Red Fish and Haddock from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Half and Half and Butter from High Lawn Farms
Vegetarian Proteins - Pierogi from Jaju; Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Tofu from 21st Century Foods; Butter and Half and Half from High Lawn Farms; Empanadas from Buenas
Paleo Proteins - Ground Beef, Chicken and Eggs from Feather Brook Farm; Bonito from Red's Best
Fruits and Veggies - Leeks and Potatoes from Brookford Farm; Delicata Squash and Hakueri Turnips from Langwater Farm; Greens Mix from Generation Farm or LEF; Mustard Greens from Clark Farm; Apples from Kimball Fruit Farm; Cucamelons (the OG Cute-Cumber) from the Neighborhood Farm
Grain - Raisin Bread from A&J King; Tortillas
Special Treat - Maple Shortbread Cookies from A&J King; Pain au Chocolat from A&J King


Leek and Potato Soup: For doubles and wholes, you've got half and half, leeks, and potatoes this week. All I can say is I am happy dancing while sitting in my chair thinking about making soup this week. 

Bonito Fish Taco: Bonito is a tuna relative and can be cooked quite similarly. 

Delicata Squash Salad: Save those seeds for a crunchy topping! Also add roasted apples with cinnamon if you're feeling fancy.

Mashed Potatoes and Turnips with Greens: My favorite fall things, roasted or boiled root veg mashed and with lots of butter or milk. It's the simple things in life folks.