Orders placed today will be delivered on Saturday 3/15 and Tuesday 3/18. FREE DELIVERY inside I-95 on orders over $39.
Spud Buds

Spud Buds

Hello folks!

A couple fun announcements:

Cinco de Mayo and More:  We have launched a collection in the store called La Cocina to deliver all your Cinco de Mayo goodies and other Latin delicacies right to you door (I'll have three dozen empanadas, please.) Pork Shoulder for tacos, vegetarian tamales and more Mexican Chocolate Cookies than you can handle. Order by Sunday April 25th for Delivery Saturday May 1 and Tuesday May 4th.

Non - Local, but Still Awesome Veggies

Over the next few weeks, we will be launching some new products each week. Throw back hint:  last week we added some new “Pick Of The Week” items to the store; Mezze, Cheese and Fresh Pasta of the Week - oh heck yes! This week, we are adding three non-local items: Organic, Fair Trade Avocados and Bananas and Organic Citrus.

Although we are adding some non-local items, we remain a business that celebrates all of the beautiful foods created in our local community.  Yet we understand that with a modernized global palate, we all enjoy some things that are just not able to be grown locally in New England. (I mean I would put an avocado on a roofing shingle and eat it.) These items will NEVER show up in your regular shares, they will only show up if you order them specifically. Shannon is busy crafting a witty and informative dissertation on why these avos and these fruits in particular merit time on our plates.  She will share soon, expect puns.



I love it when sweet potatoes come into the share. They're bright, versatile and really, really patient.  These guys can hang out on my counter for weeks until my lazy carcass gets around to figuring out what to do with them.  I don't know what it is about sweet taters but I really like to let them languish before I make up my damn mind. 

And why the trepidation? Sweet potatoes are incredible flexible and fantastic for your weekly meal prep. Roast or mash them and top 'em with a runny egg for breakfast, throw in a salad for some substance or treat 'em like a taco and top with melted cheese, ground beef and salsa. 

When it comes to meal prep, these spuds are your buds. 

A few fun facts:

Sweet potatoes are incredibly rich in beta-carotene, the antioxidant that lends the orange hue. Beta Carotene is something our bodies convert into Vitamin A which is excellent for eye health, proving that (outside of politics) not all bright orange things are bad for you.

North Carolina’s official vegetable is the sweet potato. The state is also the leading sweet potato producer in the United States. (Ours aren't so well-traveled, they come from Brookford Farm.)

People often use the words "sweet potatoes" and "yams" interchangeably, thinking they are the same thing. Erroneous on all counts! Bon Appetit sets us straight: " Real yams are entirely different root vegetables that are more like yucca in texture and flavor. They have bumpy, tough brown skin (that looks almost tree trunk-like) with starchy, not sweet flesh. " There you have it.

Here is the worst potato joke I could find: What do you call an everyday potato? A commentater.

Enjoy the spuds friends, we would love to know what you do with them! Shoot us a message and tell us all about it: recipes@sharefamilydinner.com


Delivery dates: Saturday, 4/24 and Tuesday, 4/27

Note: If you order a "Meat and Fish Share" you will just receive the meats listed, not the "dairy" items (eggs, yogurt, etc). If you order a "Fish and Seafood Share" you will receive the fish listed, and not the dairy items.

Add-on Grain of the Week - Rigatoni from Seven Hills Pasta
Add-on Bread of the Week - Seven Grain Bread from Iggy's
Add-on Pastry of the Week -  Potato Rosemary Scone from A&J King


Add-on Fresh Pasta of the Week - Fresh Pasta from Valicenti 
Add-on Cheese of the Week - Creme de Luxe from Springdale Farm
Add-on Mezze of the Week - Baba Ganoush from Magic Bites

Pro-tip: you can now add extra treats to your share by adding "treat of the week" or "pastry of the week" to your subscription!



Omnivore Protein - Salmon from Red's Best, Cheese from Local Goods Gathered
Pescatarian Protein - Salmon from Red's Best; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered
Vegetarian Proteins - Veggie Burgers from Farm House Burger Co; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered
Paleo Proteins - Salmon from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Frozen Blueberries from Burke Hill Farm; Greens from Drumlin Farm and Generation Farm; Cabbage from Brookford Farm; Ramps or Scallions from Joe Czajkowski Farm and Clark Farm**
Grain - Semolina Loaf from A&J King
Special Treat - Mexican Spice Cookies from A&J King


Omnivore Protein - Salmon from Red's Best; Ground Pork from Feather Brook Farms and Clark Farm; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; 
Pescatarian Protein - Salmon and Monkfish from Red's Best; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Vegetarian Proteins - Veggie Burgers from Farm House Burger Co; Pierogi from Jaju; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Paleo Proteins - Salmon from Red's Best; Ground Pork from Feather Brook Farms and Clark Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Frozen Blueberries from Burke Hill Farm; Greens from Drumlin Farm and Generation Farm; Cabbage from Brookford Farm; Sweet Potatoes from Brookford Farm; Mushroom from Fatmoon; Radishes from Freedom Food Farm and Kitchen Garden Farm
Grain - Semolina Loaf from A&J King
Special Treat - Mexican Spice Cookies and Sticky Buns from A&J King


Omnivore Protein - Salmon from Red's Best; Ground Pork from Feather Brook Farms and Clark Farm; Steak from Feather Brook Farms; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Maple Syrup from Meredith Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Salmon, Monkfish, and Sea Bass from Red's Best; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Maple Syrup from Meredith Farm
Vegetarian Proteins - Veggie Burgers from Farm House Burger Co; Pierogi from Jaju; Tempeh from Rhapsody Foods; Cheese from Local Goods Gathered; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms; Maple Syrup from Meredith Farm
Paleo Proteins - Salmon from Red's Best, Ground Pork from Feather Brook Farms and Clark Farm; Steak from Feather Brook Farms; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms
Fruits and Veggies - Frozen Blueberries from Burke Hill Farm; Greens from Drumlin Farm and Generation Farm; Cabbage from Brookford Farm; Sweet Potatoes from Brookford Farm; Mushroom from Fatmoon; Radishes from Freedom Food Farm and Kitchen Garden Farm; Ramps or Scallions from Joe Czajkowski Farm and Clark Farm**; Kale from Pete's Greens
Grain - Semolina Loaf from A&J King; Tortillas from VT Tortilla
Special Treat - Mexican Spice Cookies and Sticky Buns from A&J King


(from Shannon)

What Are Ramps? What should I do with them? Wam Bam, double hyperlinks! Ramps are a wonderful early spring wild Allium. If they are new to you, check out both links for more info! 

Scallion Pancakes - This is a tired and true FamDin favorite. And for you GF folks out there, I have made them with King Arthur 1 to 1 GF flour and it is fantastic! 

Salmon and Roasted Cabbage - One pan meal that'll be easy on the dishes and yummy in your tummy!

Cabbage rolls - Can't go wrong with a cabbage roll either. This is one of my favorite ways to use up leftovers too that make them feel less leftover-ish, risotto? grain bowl? tacos? you name it - put it into a softened cabbage leaf and have fun! 

White Chili - Sunday is calling for rain so I'm calling for a cheesy pork soup! 

Blueberry Pancakes - Speaking of rainy Sundays or just anytime, who doesn't love a good blueberry pancake! 

Monkfish with a Wine Sauce and Mushrooms - Rich, Flavorful, and decadent! 

Radish Greens - FOLKS WE ARE GETTING BACK INTO BUNCH SEASON! That means I will be reminding you near weekly not to waste your greens! Its like getting 2 for 1 with your veggies! This week will be with your bunched radishes :) 

**Due to unpredictable and ever changing spring weather, to reach our numbers, we needed to pair ramps and scallions to fill your orders, both are wonderful and exciting spring alliums to dazzle your dishes.  

Want to share with us recipes that wow'ed you or show off something incredible that is just going to make me hungry while checking emails? Drop us a line over at recipes@sharefamilydinner.com. We'll be highlighting your recipes and creations in coming weeks!  (I am loving all the things you have sent in! Stay tuned for highlights to be coming soon!)