Orders placed today will be delivered on Saturday 3/22 and Tuesday 3/25. FREE DELIVERY inside I-95 on orders over $39.
Schwag Bag

Schwag Bag




Check out these beauties!! At Family Dinner we are very conscious of the amount of packaging we use to prep the shares and try to keep it at a minimum. We have been wanting to invest in insulated bags and they finally arrived - we're really excited to deliver in them this weekend!

This is just a trial for now, testing it out to see if it works. We would love your feedback (as always!) Please try to return these to us every week so that we can clean and re-use them. 

In between deliveries, feel free to carry them around town and spread the word!
Makes for a pretty fancy purse, if you ask us.

Have a great week and enjoy the weather!



Omnivore Protein
 - Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms; Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Salmon from Red's Best; Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Vegetarian Protein -  Tofu from 21st Century Foods; Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Paleo Proteins - Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms ; Eggs from Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Long Red Onions and Zucchini from Brookford Farm; Red Leaf Lettuce and PEACHES from Busa Farm
Grain - Brioche Rolls from Iggy's Bread
Special Treat - Mini Pastries from Iggy's


Omnivore Protein - Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms; Salmon from Red's Best; Greek Yogurt and Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Salmon and Scallops from Red's Best; Greek Yogurt and Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Vegetarian Protein - Tofu from 21st Century Foods; Greek Yogurt , Eggs and Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Paleo Proteins -  Ground Beef from Feather Brook Farms; Salmon from Red's Best, Eggs from Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Long Red Onions and Zucchini from Brookford Farm; Cherry Tomatoes, Eggplant, Red Leaf Lettuce and PEACHES from Busa Farm
Grain - Brioche Rolls from Iggy's Bread
Special Treat - Mini Pastries from Iggy's


Omnivore Protein - Ground Beef and Pork Chops from Feather Brook Farms; Salmon from Red's Best; Eggs, Greek Yogurt and Cheddar Cheese from Brookford Farm
Paleo Protein - Ground Beef and Pork Chops from Feather Brook Farms; Salmon and Scallops from Red's Best; Eggs from Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies -  Long Red Onions and Zucchini from Brookford Farm; Basil, Green Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Eggplant, Red Leaf Lettuce and PEACHES from Busa Farm 
Grain - Granola and  Brioche Rolls from Iggy's Bread
Special Treat - Mini Pastries from Iggy's and Currants from Busa Farms (we think they're a real treat on ice cream!)


It's Burger Time! Simple perfect burgers. Fire up the grill, crack a cold one and let's Summer.

BBQ Tofu Sammies: You could coat a shoe with BBQ sauce and I'd eat it. Luckily this tofu from 21st Century Foods is far more delicious than that. This tofu, made at their facility in JP on Thursday, is super silky and tasty. Slap the sauce on and get grilling. 

Grilled Salmon: Normally we prefer a cast iron for Salmon, but this skin-on recipe gives the fish a nice smokey flavor. The touch of honey sweetens up the smoke and balances nicely.

Scallion Pancakes: Slice those red onions in quarters, coat with oil and grill them alongside your proteins. With the tops, may we suggest scallion pancakes? We made a big batch with ours from two weeks ago. They were heaven. 

Peaches: Speaking of grilling everything in site - grilled peaches are just awesome. We like to cut them in half and either soak in bourbon, or maple syrup or both before they go on the grill. Serve plain or with vanilla ice cream or a dollop of yogurt.


Engineering the Grill

Push up your glasses, people! Its time to learn how to properly engineer your grill.
The friendly food nerds at America's Test Kitchen have put together a how-to on grill set up that helps you avoid common errors. 

"Two of the biggest mistakes outdoor grillers make occur before the food even hits the grill: creating too much fire, and setting up the fire incorrectly. The first problem is easy to avoid—add the amount of charcoal called for in recipes or, if cooking on a gas grill, adjust the burner temperatures as directed. The second problem is more complicated."

Never fear, your buddies from ATK walk you through 5 Grill Set Ups to walk you through all your summer cooking needs.