Orders placed today will be delivered on Saturday 3/15 and Tuesday 3/18. FREE DELIVERY inside I-95 on orders over $39.
Remembering Andy Baumgartner

Remembering Andy Baumgartner

It's with a heavy heart that we write to let you know that Andy Baumgartner, Erin's dad, passed away this Tuesday afternoon. Andy was an incredible person and father. He dedicated his life to helping others, providing services for children with Cerebral Palsy for his long 40+ year career. He poured his entire heart and all of his love into his friends, family, and the kids he cared for. 

As a small family business, we believe it's important to take time to focus on family. We'll be thinking of Andy this weekend and giving thanks for all of the friends and family in our lives who we love so dearly. We will be canceling deliveries for this week (Saturday, November 25) and refunding those who put in orders. We're very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

For those of you who still have some cooking to do, Cook's Illustrated and the New York Times both have excellent Thanksgiving cooking guides. The folks at Hurd Farm (some of you received their turkeys earlier this week) wanted you to know that farm fresh turkeys cook faster than frozen or store-bought turkeys and recommend checking the temperature of your bird regularly during cooking. Aim for 165 F, but know that the breast meat will cook faster than the dark meat. Don't be afraid to carve the breast meat off to let it rest while the dark meat cooks a little bit longer.

Bon appetite and happy Thanksgiving!  Please give a big hug to someone you love this weekend.

Tim and Erin