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Local Food Love Affair

Local Food Love Affair


Valentine's Day has come and (mercifully) gone. What remains is our undying love for delicious, local food and our joy to share it with you. 

Love and respect are at the foundation of the local food system and we hope you find this week's share to be chock full of it. From the beautiful swordfish from Red's Best to the baby lettuces that Andrew at Clark Farm has grown and harvested just for us.  And of course, chocolate. The bars from Taza chocolate make a nice surprise gift or a perfect item to fiendishly squirrel away  in your desk drawer when lunch seems like a distant dream at work.

We are so enamored that we wrote you a poem, a haiku in fact, we hope you like it.

Local Food, So good
Tasty, Fresh and Delicious
More Donut Holes*, please.

Besides our (very obvious) poetic gifts, we hope you know how much we love and appreciate all of our Family Dinner members. If this were the final scene of Say Anything, we would be John Cusack outside your house- holding aloft a Family Dinner insulated bag full of treats instead of a stereo.

Thank you for making this all possible!
* Donut Holes will be back in the rotation soon.



Omnivore Protein
 - Swordfish from Red's Best; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy (now THAT's love)
Pescatarian Protein - Swordfish from Red's Best; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy
Vegetarians-  Veggie Burgers from Freedom Hill Farm; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy
Paleo Proteins - Swordfish from Red's Best ;Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies -  Lettuce Mix from Clark Farm; Leeks and Apples from Busa Farm; Potatoes from Brookford Farm
Grain - Focaccia from Iggy's Bread
Special Treat - Chocolate Bar from Taza Chocolate


Omnivore Protein
 - Swordfish from Red's Best; Sausage from Feather Brook Farms; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy (now THAT's love); Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Swordfish and Skate from Red's Best; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Paleo Proteins -- Swordfish from Red's Best; Sausage from Feather Brook Farms; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Vegetarian Protein - Veggie Burgers from Freedom Hill Farm; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Lettuce Mix from Clark Farm; Celery Root, Spinach, Leeks and Apples from Busa Farm; Potatoes from Brookford Farm
Grain - Focaccia from Iggy's Bread
Special Treat - Chocolate Bar from Taza Chocolate


Omnivore Protein 
- Swordfish from Red's Best; Sausage from Feather Brook Farms; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy (now THAT's love); BACON from Brookford Farm; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Haddock, Swordfish and Skate from Red's Best; Butter from Kriemhild Dairy; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Heirloom Tomatoes from Five College Farm; Lettuce Mix from Clark Farm; Onions, Celery Root, Spinach, Leeks and Apples from Busa Farm; Potatoes from Brookford Farm
Grain - Focaccia from Iggy's Bread; Granola
Special Treat - Chocolate Bar from Taza Chocolate; Gluten Free Treats from Girlfriend Baking


Swordfish with Leeks and Citrus: Brighten up the winter blahurgggghs with this dish. If you don't have citrus you can skip or even replace with Apples.

Swordfish with Capers and Potatoes: If I had to think about my ONE true love, it would be capers. Little salty briny punches to your palate. A delight here. You could also move the Skate dish seamlessly into this recipe.

Skate Schnitzel: I'm sorry, what? Skate Wing Schnitzel? I am sure this has our Austrian friends aghast and saying "was zur Hölle ist das?" We get it, it sounds weird, but we can't wait to try it.

Potato Leek and Curry Soup:  Like a warm blanket and a hug from a puppy. Of course if you don't have curry on hand we can go for the original .