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Have you seen this Bag?

Have you seen this Bag?


(and Ice Packs!)

You may have noticed we are back to the paper variety this week. We are trying to round up our team of black insulated bags so we can send them to the spa, clean them up and get them back into the rotation.

If you have one, two or more than a few of these kicking around we would love to reuse them! Please send them back with your smiley delivery person and we will get them back to bringing you the best local food we can find!


Another Holiday season has come and gone and we are once again staring down a formidable mountain of leftovers. Ham, breads, gratins of all kinds. Of course you can load it into your Tupperwares as is and schlep it to work for the next 47 days. Or you can give them all a make-over and mask them in new creations. As we strive toward zero food waste we have a simple mantra in our house: ANYTHING CAN BE A PIZZA. I'm sure that this statement is considered heresy by culinary purists and somewhere Giada de Laurentiis is shuddering in horror - but it's true. (And who cares if she's horrified - it's not like she eats pizza anyway.)

So many of our meat and veggie leftovers can be rolled into the forgiving arms of a frittata, fried rice, or pizza. This past Thanksgiving we riffed on an Alfredo Pizza using leftover broccoli casserole. What was initially a questionable choice was delightful in the end.  

This week we have pizza dough from Forge - we can't wait to see what you come up with! Share it with us! @sharefamilydinner



Omnivore Protein
 - Bone-in Rib Eye Steak from Feather Brook Farms; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Monkfish from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Vegetarian Protein - Plant Deli Breakfast Sausage; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Paleo Proteins - Bone-in Rib Eye Steak from Feather Brook Farms; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies -  Baby Lettuce; Kale, Green House Tomatoes and Golden Beets from Busa Farm
Grain - Pasta Dough from Forge
Special Treat - Brewer's Crackers (because I think we are all cookie-d out!)


Omnivore Protein
 - Bone-in Rib Eye Steak from Feather Brook Farms; Monkfish Filets from Red's Best; Fresh Mozzarella from the Mozzarella House; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Pescatarian Protein - Monkfish Filets and Black Sea Bass from Red's Best; Fresh Mozzarella from the Mozzarella House; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Paleo Proteins - Bone-in Rib Eye Steak from Feather Brook Farms; Monkfish Filets from Red's Best; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm
Vegetarian Protein - Plant Deli Breakfast Sausage; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm;  Fresh Mozzarella from the Mozzarella House
Fruits and Veggies - Baby Lettuce, Kale, Green House Tomatoes and Golden Beets from Busa Farm; Onions and Carrots from Brookford Farm
Grain - Pasta Dough from Forge
Special Treat - Brewer's Crackers


Omnivore Protein 
- Bone-in Rib Eye Steak and Chicken from Feather Brook Farms; Monkfish Filets from Red's Best; Fresh Mozzarella from the Mozzarella House; Eggs from Feather Brook Farms and Brookford Farm; Cottage Cheese from Brookford Farm
Fruits and Veggies - Apples, Baby Lettuce, Kale, Green House Tomatoes and Golden Beets from Busa Farm; Sweet Potatoes; Onions and Carrots from Brookford Farm
Grain - Pasta Dough from Forge
Special Treat - Brewer's Crackers; Brownies from Forge Baking


Bone in Rib Eye: Food and Wine call this recipe from Alain Ducasse "indulgent". That may be true but its also wonderfully simple. We have shared this recipe before because we think its the perfect way to treat Tad's beautiful steaks. Butter, garlic and a cast iron skillet. If you don't have the thyme; rosemary or even a bay leaf will do. You could also skip it entirely and let the butter do its thing.

Braised Monkfish Stew: This recipe from Boston Legend Michael Leviton is a great use of the Monkfish, Kale and Tomatoes from this week's haul. If you have left over chorizo in the freezer it can step up to the plate here. It calls for beans, which are great, or you could sub in potatoes (sweet or regular.)

Warm Golden Beets with Greens:  The nuts here are optional, as is the goat cheese and you can play with the quantities. 

5 ingredient Kale Caesar: Always a delight. This calls for no anchovies but they can sliver their way to the top of your dish if you are feeling up for a more briny bite.